
torstai 6. helmikuuta 2025

ORAVA squirrel


Voi ei! Orava oli meidän pihalla olevassa koivussa. Se katseli meitä ison linnunpöntön reunalla. Toivottavasti se ei oikeasti tee pesää sinne!! 

Veljeni puhui hänen edesmenneestä naapurista. Naapuri oli loukkupyydystänyt 17 oravaa, omasta pihastaan. En kysynyt millä aikavälillä, mutta ei yhdellä kertaa.  Hän on kuljettanut oravia tänne meidän asuinalueen isoihin metsiin!

9 kommenttia:

  1. Mainio kuva kyllä!
    Mukavaa loppuviikkoa!

  2. Nice squirrel😊Hope it only will be one😅

    1. Hi Anita! Squirrels are cute. But they are uninvited guests in the yard. I don't want them here.

  3. I can't tell, is this the grey squirrel introduced from America? Do you have the red squirrel there? This one looks like a mix of both and is rather cute, so I don't understand the trapping comment.

    1. Hi! This squirrel of ours (Sciurus vulgaris) is brown. Its coat color varies. It is winter now, and its coat color is a bit different from summer. My brother's neighbor didn't like squirrels. There were too many of them in the yard. They wreak havoc inside the house if they get inside the structures. This man caught the squirrels and moved them alive elsewhere.

    2. Thanks Anne. That's the squirrel I call the Red Squirrel - it is the native squirrel in the UK but then the larger American grey ones were introduced and they took all the food and the native species ended up being mostly just in Scotland. In France I have only seen the red ones which are native here.

      Good to know about the trapping! I haven't heard of them getting inside buildings and causing a nuisance. I can understand that. We have had problems with Stone Martens (Martes foina) coming inside the roof and running around in the middle of the night, making an awful noise!

  4. They are cute but can get into so many things around a house, Anne.
