Luonto, valokuvaus, suunnistus, taiteen tekeminen, linnut, ötökät, puutarha, kalastus, ruoka-allegisen ruokaohjeita.
Kävin aamulla verikokeessa. Neljännen reijän jälkeen, verikokeen ottaja sai näytteen!!
Ensi viikolla poskionteloiden tt kuvaus. Vähän pelottaa, jos kuvauksessa laitetaan sitä ainetta!!
Mucha suerte con los resultados de los analisis.Un abrazo, amiga
Flott bilde💖I have also sinus,,terrible to get away..tried Nasonex. Nosecan😂it has to go away by itself says the doctor😊
Hi Anita! It's absolutely horrible! It does everything! It has become chronic for me. Now let's see if there is a reason why it keeps coming and won't go away.
Yeah me to.Got an apoinement in last mat to and ear it is sinus in whole head😢
Good luck
I hope they find a solution, Anne.
Mucha suerte con los resultados de los analisis.
VastaaPoistaUn abrazo, amiga
Flott bilde💖I have also sinus,,terrible to get away..tried Nasonex. Nosecan😂it has to go away by itself says the doctor😊
VastaaPoistaHi Anita! It's absolutely horrible! It does everything! It has become chronic for me. Now let's see if there is a reason why it keeps coming and won't go away.
PoistaYeah me to.Got an apoinement in last mat to and ear it is sinus in whole head😢
PoistaGood luck
PoistaI hope they find a solution, Anne.