
keskiviikko 17. toukokuuta 2023

LÄHIMETSÄ nearby forest


Teollisuus tarvitsee paljon puuta. Harmittaahan se kovasti, mutta muuten ei olisi töitä, ja paperi ym. tuotteita. 

Nyt meidän läheltä on kaadettu iso alue puuta nurin. Pahaa tekee katsoa entistä metsää. Toisaalta, alueella on paljon kirjanpainajan tekemiä tuhoja puissa. Puut ovat täynnä reikiä.

Muutamia vuosia takaperin, takana näkyvä valtavan iso alue, tyhjeni puista. Pyörremyrsky kaatoi kilometrien alueelta paljon puita. Nyt siellä kasvaa lehtipuu pusikkoa, männyn- ja kuusen alkuja.

10 kommenttia:

  1. Vastaukset
    1. It is or not, from the point of view of nature conservation, yes, but for the sake of jobs and all the necessary products, it is good that wood can be used.

  2. Espero que planten nuevos árboles, para que nunca falten, en ese precioso bosque.

  3. It is sad to see bu the I guess the wood is needed.

    1. It is very sad when forests are cut down. Without wood we can't really do anything. It has not yet been invented what can be used to replace wood, not everything can be recycled from plastic either. People and factories could also use recycled wood, which is produced for example in buildings, for more benefit. Felled trees must be replaced by planting new tree seedlings. They just grow really slowly.

  4. Kirjanpainaja on kyllä tuhoisa vieras metsässä. Meidänkin naapurissa puita jouduttiin kaatamaan melko paljon kirjanpainajan iskiessä niihin.

  5. In my forests near me, they also cut down trees, sometimes old trees need to be cut down, but I see that the cut ones are healthy and in large numbers. Well, we have times that ecology and nature have to fight for their own with industry and civilisation.

    1. Cutting down forests is such a tricky thing. Nature and trees are very important, but products made from wood and people's jobs are also important. Fortunately, forest owners here are obliged to plant new trees in place of felled trees. New seedlings take many years to grow. Fortunately, for a few years, factories have started to make good use of the stumps and branches of felled trees. The recycling of used boards and other wooden products should be made mandatory.
