Jäätynyt siimasotku rannassa. Luontoon ei saisi jättää mitään roskia, ei etenkään koukkuja ja siimasotkuja! Eläimet, linnut ja kalat, vammautuvat tai kuolevat näihin ihmisen luontoon jättämiin ansoihin.
Dearest Anne, You are so right about that, why leave such a fishing line mess behind?! Some people seem to have no conscious... or worse - no brain. Hugs, Mariette
Dearest Anne,
VastaaPoistaYou are so right about that, why leave such a fishing line mess behind?!
Some people seem to have no conscious... or worse - no brain.
Isn't it strange that garbage has to be left in the wild!
PoistaLa gente tendría que concienciarse sobre ello.
VastaaPoistaNo es justo que los animales perezcan por un lamentable descuido.
People do not think about what line of mess the animals have.
PoistaWow, that is nice !
VastaaPoistaBeautiful frozen. But really dangerous for animals.
PoistaI hate rubbish on the shore Anne.
VastaaPoistaMe too! Why waste nature?
PoistaUma grande verdade, e que a imagem tão bem ilustra!
VastaaPoistaMas o efeito em termos fotográficos, das linhas congeladas, é bem interessante!
Thank you very much Ana!;-))