
maanantai 29. lokakuuta 2018


Pakkaset jatkuvat. Aamulla ilmanlämpömittari näytti -10.4°C. Koko päivän on ollut kylmä ilma. Nyt ilmanlämpömittarissa on asteita -4.4°C

Joko olette olleet flunssassa? Meillä isäntä on ollut 3pv flunssainen, ja nyt nuori mies on nuhakuumeessa. Minä olen sitten varmaan huomenna vuorossa.

30 kommenttia:

  1. Hello Anne!
    Wonderful picture and great reflection!
    I’m sick today with common cold.I hope you’re lucky and don’t catch a flu!
    Have a lovely week!

    1. Hi Dimi! I hope you'll be getting better soon. The flu is craving

  2. Nice picture.
    Good entry for the month of November.

  3. Wonderful picture!

    Greetings Kathrin

  4. Hei Anne! Kaunis kuva. Toivottavasti et saa flunssatartuntaa. Itse en ole toistaiseksi flunssaa saanut.

  5. Hi Anne.

    Nice picture,
    It is already freezing in your country. .

    Groettie from Patricia.

  6. Hieno kuva!
    Toivottavasti olet pysynyt terveenä!

  7. -10.4degrees C? Brrrr….! But the image is beautiful with reflection and light. Flu and various colds are going around, but I’m okay so far. Next week, I’ll have flu vaccination. Stay warm and healthy.


    1. Thank you very much;-) Frostbite was on several days, but now it's raining water and it's gray! Greetings

  8. That's a splendid image, Anne! I love the light and reflections, and the Reed Mace completes the picture perfectly.

  9. Agora, com estas mudanças bruscas de temperatura, é mesmo o tempo das gripes!...
    A minha mãe, já tem a vacina da gripe marcada, para os primeiros dias de Novembro, que por cá aconselham a todas as pessoas, com mais de 65 anos, a tomar... agora só espero que até lá, ela não tenha sintomas... senão tem de se adiar a vacinação...
    A imagem é lindíssima, e bem do meu agrado! Adoro os reflexos nas águas!...
    Beijinhos... e estimando as melhoras de todos, aí desse lado!...

    1. Hi Ana! Yeah, the airs fluctuate and people are flu. Greetings

  10. Beautiful and peacaful view! Gorgeous photo! This is very cold in your place... Do you believe we have 21C or 18C like today and even in the night is still warm, 12C or 10C :-)

  11. Dearest Anne,
    Your photo reminds me of my childhood years as we had the very same sights.
    Brrrr it is very cold in your neck of the woods! Here today it is so lovely at 27˚C.
    Pieter suffers from a very bad and stubborn bronchitis. We have the contractor renovating our bathroom and I guess with the balcony doors wide open during a few cold days (only windy and around 5˚C) he caught this. Worried about him due to his age and weak heart...
    Sending you hugs and hope you did not come down with the flu as well!
    Both of us got our flu shots a week before traveling to the Rocky Mountains. So far, it worked but Pieter got this now.

    1. Hi Mariette! Hope Pieter will recover soon. Illness is tough! take care of each other. Best regards here rainy Finland

    2. Thank you dearest Anne, and yes I hope he will soon feel stronger. Today the men finished early before 15:00 and I did bring Pieter some good food back from the restaurant where we went with friends, after All Soul's Mass. He was happy and now he is napping after we had hot tea together. Those workers also take his nap time away... You sacrifice your privacy for several weeks. Now I learned that they have to special order the glass shower doors and it will take 1.5 week because we don't want those huge, wide doors. They would hit our vanity when wide open and both of us are not big! Last week I said it will take 3 weeks and Pieter said, that's the worst case scenario. But here we are, two weeks are already gone and lots of surprises. The tiles were not ordered in time so 4 days without any work. Now the glass doors will take 1.5 week. Looking forward to Christmas - at that time the home will be nice and clean and cozy again! It rained last night and today, their cars got stuck on the lawn... leaving tracks. But that can be patched up.
      Life is full of surprises but good health is far more important and I've prayed hard for Pieter's recovery. Now he has 2 days without disturbance, which is good for resting and I'm home.
      Big hug,

  12. For days I've been thinking about the name of these childhood memories and I'd forgotten that they live on my Pinterest under Childhood Memories:
