Väsyttää, eikä jaksa mitään. Lihaksia vetää ja koskee vieläkin. Leuka on edelleen jäykkä.
Kylmä tuo vähän helpotusta lihaksiin, tuntuu paremmalta kuin kuuma.
Olisiko tämä jo sitä kilpirauhasen vajaatoimintaa?
Dearest Anne, Hope you will feel better soon! That is good that the sun shines and we will go for a bike ride, it is 28°C and will go to 33°C. Hugs, Mariette
The tests prescribed by the hospital doctor will not be available until the end of the month. The results of those experiments also come home by letter. Typical hustle and bustle here. I'm going to a private doctor tomorrow.
Dearest Anne,
VastaaPoistaHope you will feel better soon!
That is good that the sun shines and we will go for a bike ride, it is 28°C and will go to 33°C.
There is wonderful air;-)
VastaaPoistaOn Monday, a visit to the doctor is necessary.
You cannot ignore the signs of your body.
Healthy weekend and week.
I booked an appointment with a doctor on Monday.
PoistaVoi sinua :-(
VastaaPoistaToivottavasti tapaat lääkärisi pian.
Menen huomenna kysymään, onko minulla vajaatoiminta päällä. Oireet on paljolti samoja kuin kilpirauhasen vajaatoiminnassa.
PoistaHieno kuva.
VastaaPoistaToivottavasti olosi kohentuu! 🤗
Kiitos Sara.
PoistaYes it is a big chance you got Hypothyroidism.but did your doctor not check you out for this?Go back to the doc as soon as you can dear Anne!
VastaaPoistaWonderful picture of a lost thing!
The tests prescribed by the hospital doctor will not be available until the end of the month. The results of those experiments also come home by letter. Typical hustle and bustle here. I'm going to a private doctor tomorrow.
PoistaA ver si el médico, te da la solución y no tengas que pasarlo tan mal.
Should I get some information and medication if I have hypothyroidism.
PoistaRusty old lock. Very nice photo !
VastaaPoistaThank you very much;-)
PoistaVoih:( Toivottavasti vointi paranisi pian❤︎ Leppoisaa sunnuntai päivää❤︎
VastaaPoistaKiitos samoin!