Meillä on vanha puuhella käytössä talvisin. Hellasta saa ihanan lämmön keittiöön, ja samalla tulee säästettyä sähköä kun teen ruuan samalla levyllä.
Heh heh! Ei paljoa naurattanut, kun kananmuna rikkoutui kuumalle puuhellalle! Hirveä siivo! Kananmunan paistui rautalevyyn kunnolla kiinni.
Hello Anne!
VastaaPoistaWhat a great idea to cook in the wood stove! I love fried eggs!
I have a fireplace in the living room! So cozy in the wintertime !Enjoy your evening!
The wood stove is an excellent source of heat and the food is ready;-)
PoistaEgg looks very appetizing.
The egg was supposed to be put on a frying pan, but it dropped directly into the hot glow;-(
PoistaWinter! It must be very cosy to cook in the wood stove :-)
VastaaPoistaThe wood stove comes with a wonderful heat;-)
PoistaE não é que o ovo até parece que ficou com o formato de um passarinho... o bico e a cauda, até parece que se deixam adivinhar...
VastaaPoistaUm pequeno acidente culinário... mas que resultou numa imagem bem engraçada!
Beijinhos! Continuação de uma boa semana! Hoje por aqui, chove torrencialmente! :-(
Is it cold there? Any kind of clutter is generated when i cooking in a hurry;-)
PoistaKaksi munaa toast, pavut, suosikki aterian. :))
VastaaPoistaKananmuna on hyvää;-)
PoistaDearest Anne,
VastaaPoistaWell, as long as it is hot, not dangerous for eating it this way...
Such a wood stove is a welcome heat source for the cold season!
Still remember it from my childhood.
A wonderful source of heat;-) Have a nice evening Mariette!