
tiistai 23. helmikuuta 2021



Lunta on satanut, ja sataa edelleen paljon! Tuulee ja tuiskuttaa. Ulkona ei voi olla. Ilma käy todella paljon henkeen. Pakkasta on -11°C tosin tuntuu siltä, kuin sitä olisi yli -20°C!

Kävin aamulla hammaslääkärissä. En meinannut päästä kävelemään muutamaa metriä autosta hammaslääkäriin. Keuhkoja puristi niin mahdottomasti!

Kieli on parantunut hyvin, paraneminen on kesken. Onneksi siihen ei enää satu. Hammaslääkäri otti viimeisen tikin irti. Kielen patti oli liikakasvua. 

10 kommenttia:

  1. Hieno kuva!
    Täälläkin on ollut todella hyytävä viima tänään.
    Paranemista ja hyvää vointia sinulle!

  2. I imagine if it got that cold, it would be hard to stay outside for long. Below 11 degrees is very cold. Stay warm and bundle up, Anne. So glad you're feeling better. : )


  3. Hienoa, että kaikki on kielessä ok 🧡

  4. Debe de ser muy duro salir de casa con un tiempo así.

    Me gusta mucho esa foto con la copa de los árboles y ese esplendoroso cielo.


  5. Dearest Anne,
    Happy to read this, final stitch removed and that things are improving!
    Yes, it is very cold and we both recall our work for one week in January, in North Dakota with -40°C. When breathing it hurts inside your head. What an experience and I know one thing, never ever want to do that again. Driving in that snow was so difficult, we did not know where exactly the road was since we did not live there. So boom, we ended up in the ditch and next they came to pick us up every day. Oh, our first morning on the news we learned that a local farmer, in his 70s had run out of gas so he walked the maybe 100 m road to his home. He got out of breath due to the difficulty breathing and halfway he rested in his hay barn, leaning against it. That's where he got found; frozen to death! Shocking but it is SO harsh such climate. No wonder that the young people were all leaving...
    Stay warm and hope you recover some more, for your hand/arm as well!

  6. Hi Anne.

    Nice picture.

    Greetings from Patricia.

  7. Uma imagem fascinante! Que bom, saber que tudo está a correr bem!
    Estimo a continuação das suas melhoras, Anne! Beijinhos
