
keskiviikko 10. huhtikuuta 2019


Lunta on satanut ihan koko päivän. Pakkasta on -2°C. Aamulla tiet olivat hirveän liukkaita. Kaksi rekkaa oli jäänyt jumiin loivaan mäkeen, täydessä lastissa.

Kävin eilen verikokeissa. Kyllä oli taas yhtä tuskaa! On se kumma, vaikka kuinka sanot, että verikoetta on vaikea ottaa, niin ei uskota! Sitten sörkitään reikiä turhaan tavallisella neulalla!! Kaiken lisäksi vielä sanotaan, että kun seuraavaksi näkee minut laborajonossa, ottaa tilalle jonkin muun.

Sanoin verikokeen ottajalle, että enhän minä sitä verikoetta ota! Nyt on 5 kipeää, turvonnut ja sinistä reikää nahkassa.

Verikokeen ottaja sanoi sentään lopuksi, että anteeksi kun joutui tekemään noin monta reikää.
Pitää kuulemma sanoa tarpeeksi jämäkästi, että verikoe pitää ottaa avoneulalla. Siintä sanomisesta ei ole mitään hyötyä, kun verikokeiden ottajat ei usko!

18 kommenttia:

  1. Hoy precisamente he acompañado a mi marido a hacerse una analítica...ahora a esperar el resultado a ver si todo está correcto.

    Aquí la llegada de un frente ha hecho una bajada de las temperaturas pero no tenemos una bajada tan brusca como las de tu país.

    Me gusta la imagen que has publicado.


    1. Blood tests are not nice to visit! Hope all is well. The spring coming takes a long time. Have a nice weekend

  2. Hello Anne,
    So special to see this wonderful winter shot.
    I hope everything is well with you after the test.

    Greetings, Marco

  3. Beautiful winter in photo. Hope you are OK.

    1. Hi! There is a doctor at the end of May. It is not nice to wait for the test results for so long. Have a nice weekend;-)

  4. Hi Anne.

    Nice picture.
    Difficult and painful if you have to be poked again so many times.

    Greeting from Patricia.

    1. Hi Patricia! I'm afraid to take a blood test when I never know how to get an experiment. Have a nice weekend

  5. Hi Anne!
    I also have trouble taking blood samples ... no veins be found ...
    Maybe we are ET! :))

    1. Yup! Space Blood in the veins, shimmering fluid ;-) The blood test is difficult to take ;-)))))

  6. Me ha gustado tu blog a mi el frio no me gusta pero lo hace mas bello

    Gracias por compartir,
    te paso mi blog por si deseas griticarlo


    1. Hi! We have four wonderful seasons in Finland. There has been a lot of snow this winter. Now we come slowly to spring, and become a beautiful summer. Have a nice weekend;-)

  7. Dearest Anne,
    Wow, again snow... that will take a while before the region warms up to spring weather.
    As for your lab work for drawing blood; what a shame that they torture you this way!
    I've had that in the hospital, poking around in my veins and bruised and blue and painful. Till a good Registered Nurse at night came to do it all over, since the IV hurt me so much. From her I learned that it was because I had very fine veins and they had to use a fine 'Butterfly' to draw blood. Now I always ask for that. Sometimes they don't have it and yes, that means torture again. But for my lab work here at the hospital I'm fine, almost painless. So you might have to check that out for you.
    So sorry...

    1. Hi Mariette! Blood tests are not nice to visit! I also need to insist on taking another blood test. Have a nice weekend

  8. A minha mãe tem de fazer tais exames periodicamente... pois sofre do coração... e tem de tomar um medicamento para diluir o sangue, pois tem algumas artérias entupidas... e na sua idade, operar já não é opção... nunca aguentaria a anestesia...
    Espero que não tenha nada de cuidado, Anne!
    A foto é linda, como sempre... nesse cenário branco de neve!...
